How to call PyMongo APIs in a MongoEngine app

My app code is based on MongoEngine, but how can I access the raw PyMongo APIs when MongoEngine is not able to meet my needs?

Use MongoEngine Document class's _get_collection method to call PyMongo APIs

Internally, MongoEngine use PyMongo client to access the MongoDB server.

In a MongoEngine app, we can call a Document class's _get_collection method to get the PyMongo collection object with which we can easily call PyMongo APIs.

Example code

import mongoengine as me

class User(me.Document):
    name = me.StringField()

coll = User._get_collection()

In the code above, User._get_collection() returns the PyMongo collection object. We can call PyMongo APIs like find_one() with this collection object.

Posted on 2023-02-28