There are many kinds of implementation of quicksort. The implementation in this article has the following features:
Explanations are in the code comments:
def qsort(arr, start, end):
# ignore one-item sub-array
if start >= end:
# base_value will be compared by each value
base_value = arr[end]
# pivot_pos is a special index. from start to pivot_pos, values are smaller or equal to base_value
pivot_pos = start - 1
# traverse from start to end.
for i in range(start, end + 1):
if arr[i] <= base_value:
# move smaller value, so that pivot_pos always point to a small value
pivot_pos += 1
arr[pivot_pos], arr[i] = arr[i], arr[pivot_pos]
# in the last loop, pivot_pos points to base_value because arr[end] equals base_value
# finally, values on the left of pivot_pos are smaller and values on the right are bigger
qsort(arr, start, pivot_pos - 1)
qsort(arr, pivot_pos + 1, end)
example = [15, 12, 17, 21, 1, 9, 7]
qsort(example, 0, len(example) - 1)
print(example) # output: [1, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17, 21]